Friday, March 28, 2008

Lab 9 - Google Earth and Sketchup Cont...

Here's the link to my .kmz file. (This Google Pages stuff is awesome by the way)

It figures I would get stuck with buildings that did not exist when this satellite image was taken. Only one of these buildings were completed at the time. Sandy Creek Parking Deck is placed over a bunch of cars right now. I think the buildings actually look much better in the image from Sketchup.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Map post...

I chose a map that wasn't actually displayed on that website, but that I found through a link from one that was. This one shows submarine cables going across major bodies of water. One of the things I really like about this map is the diagram and charts and mini map along the bottom. The diagram and the chart that shows submarine cable capacity on the bottom corners are especially interesting I thought, and really add to the entire map.

Lab 8 - Google Earth and Sketch Up

Here is the first part of Lab 8 - my Google Earth file.

Also here is my "geography tool of the future." Ummm, I guess its a 3D image table thing. Kind of like what they used to plan out the attack on Death Star in Star Wars. Wow...I'm a dork. Anyway, this one is looking at a city.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Lab 7 - Shape Tweening...

This shape tweening stuff is pretty difficult. For some reason the front line in the south gets all funky. I don't know. After July 16th though it works almost perfectly. I'm tired of messing with it though as I've wasted the past 2 or 3 hours trying to fix it without success. Maybe later...


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Lab 6 - Operation Barbarrosa...

This was kind of a fun map to do. It was difficult trying to get the motion guides set up at first but after one or two it wasn't that bad.

Oh yeah, heres the link for the full size version...